.. _requirements: Package dependencies ==================== **Mrsimulator** works with Python versions > |PY_VERSION| and is compatible with the following operating systems: - MacOS 10.15 or later - Windows 7 or later - Most releases of Linux ---- **mrsimulator** depends on the following packages: **Required packages** - `numpy>=1.20 `_ - `matplotlib>=3.3.4 `_ for figures and visualization - `lmfit>=1.0.3 `_ for least-squares fitting - `pandas>=1.1.3 `_ - `csdmpy>=0.6 `_ - `pydantic<2 `_ - `nmrglue>=0.9 `_ - monty>=2.0.4 - typing-extensions>=3.7 - numexpr==2.8.4 - psutil>=5.4.8 - joblib>=1.0.0 **Required libraries for local build** - openblas - fftw ---- For ``mrsimualtor`` developers, the following packages are required: *For building C libraries* - cython>=0.29.14 *For unit tests* - sympy - pytest<8.0 - pytest-cov - sybil>=3.0.0 *For formatting* - black - pre-commit>=2.11.1 *For building documentation* - sphinxjp.themes.basicstrap - sphinx<=6.0 - sphinx-gallery>=0.10 - pillow>=7.1.2 - breathe==4.34.0 - sphinx_copybutton>=0.3.0 - sphinx-tabs>=1.1.13 - recommonmark - sphinx-version-warning