.. _install: For the users ============= .. note:: If you encounter an issue during installation, see our `troubleshooting section `_. If that doesn't resolve your issue, please create a bug report on our `Github issue tracker `_.\ Strict Requirements ------------------- **mrsimulator** has the following strict requirements: - `Python `_ |PY_VERSION| or later - `Numpy `_ 1.17 or later See :ref:`requirements` for a full list of requirements. Make sure you have the required version of Python by typing the following in the terminal, .. code-block:: shell $ python --version For *MacOS* users, Python version 3 is installed under the name *python3*. You may replace *python* for *python3* in the above command and all subsequent Python statements. For *Windows* users, Python is not usually installed by default. See `Python.org `_ for a list of official Python downloads and Windows installation instructions. .. seealso:: If you do not have Python or have an older version of Python, you may visit the `Python downloads `_ or `Anaconda `_ websites and follow their instructions on installing Python. Installing mrsimulator ---------------------- .. only:: html .. tabs:: .. tab:: Google Colab Notebook .. include:: colab.rst .. tab:: Local machine (Using pip) .. include:: pip.rst .. tab:: From source .. include:: source.rst .. only:: not html Google Colab Notebook ''''''''''''''''''''' .. include:: colab.rst Local machine (Using pip) ''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. include:: pip.rst From source ''''''''''' .. include:: source.rst Updating mrsimulator -------------------- If you are upgrading to a newer version of mrsimulator, you should have all the prerequisites already installed on your system. In this case, type the following in the terminal/Prompt .. code-block:: bash $ pip install mrsimulator -U All done! You may now start using the library or proceed to :ref:`getting_started` to continue the tutorial. Testing your build ------------------ .. note:: For Windows users using anaconda Python 3.8 and higher, you need to set the following environment variable in the ``Anaconda Prompt`` before running mrsimulator scripts. .. code-block:: bash $ set CONDA_DLL_SEARCH_MODIFICATION_ENABLE='1' If the installation is successful, you should be able to run the following test file in your terminal. Download the test file `here `_ or copy and paste the following code into a Python file and run the code. .. skip: next .. plot:: :caption: Simulation of static and MAS solid-state NMR spectra from mrsimulator import Simulator, SpinSystem, Site from mrsimulator.method.lib import BlochDecaySpectrum import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Make Site and SpinSystem objects H_site = Site(isotope="1H", shielding_symmetric={"zeta": 13.89, "eta": 0.25}) spin_system = SpinSystem(sites=[H_site]) # Make static and MAS one-pulse acquire Method objects static = BlochDecaySpectrum(channels=["1H"]) mas = BlochDecaySpectrum(channels=["1H"], rotor_frequency=1000) # in Hz # Setup and run the Simulation object sim = Simulator(spin_systems=[spin_system], methods=[static, mas]) sim.run() # Plot the spectra fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6, 3), subplot_kw={"projection": "csdm"}) ax[0].plot(sim.methods[0].simulation.real) ax[0].set_title("Static") ax[1].plot(sim.methods[1].simulation.real) ax[1].set_title("MAS") plt.tight_layout() plt.show() .. note:: If you encounter the following error .. code-block:: shell ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 80 from PyObject update numpy by running .. code-block:: shell $ pip install -U numpy