Signal Processing


After running a simulation, you may need to apply some post-simulation signal processing. For example, you may want to scale the intensities to match the experiment or convolve the spectrum with a Lorentzian, Gaussian, or sinc line-broadening functions. There are many signal-processing libraries, such as Numpy and Scipy, that you may use to accomplish this. Although, in NMR, certain operations like convolutions, Fourier transform, and apodizations are so regularly used that it soon becomes inconvenient to have to write your own set of code. For this reason, the mrsimulator package offers some frequently used NMR signal processing tools.


The simulation object in mrsimulator is a CSDM object. A CSDM object is the python support for the core scientific dataset model (CSDM) 1, which is a new open-source universal file format for multi-dimensional datasets. Since CSDM objects hold a generic multi-dimensional scientific dataset, the following signal processing operation can be applied to any CSDM dataset, i.e., NMR, EPR, FTIR, GC, etc.

In the following section, we demonstrate the use of the SignalProcessor class in applying various operations to a generic CSDM object. But before we start explaining signal processing with CSDM objects, it seems necessary to first describe the construct of CSDM objects. Each CSDM object has two main attributes, dimensions and dependent_variables. The dimensions attribute holds a list of Dimension objects, which collectively form a multi-dimensional Cartesian coordinates grid system. A Dimension object can represent both physical and non-physical dimensions. The dependent_variables attribute holds the responses of the multi-dimensional grid points. You may have as many dependent variables as you like, as long as all dependent variables share the same coordinates grid, i.e., dimensions.

SignalProcessor class

Signal processing is a series of operations that are applied to the dataset. In this workflow, the result from the previous operation becomes the input for the next operation.

In the mrsimulator library, all signal processing operations are accessed through the signal_processing module. Within the module is the apodization sub-module. An apodization is a point-wise multiplication operation of the input signal with the apodizing vector. See Operations documentation for a complete list of operations.

Import the module as

>>> from mrsimulator import signal_processing as sp


The convolution theorem states that under suitable conditions, the Fourier transform of a convolution of two signals is the pointwise product (apodization) of their Fourier transforms. In the following example, we employ this theorem to demonstrate how to apply a Gaussian convoluting to a dataset.

>>> processor = sp.SignalProcessor(
...     operations=[
...         sp.IFFT(), sp.apodization.Gaussian(FWHM='0.1 km'), sp.FFT()
...     ]
... )

Here, the processor is an instance of the SignalProcessor class. The required attribute of this class, operations, is a list of operations. In the above example, we employ the convolution theorem by sandwiching the Gaussian apodization function between two Fourier transformations.

In this scheme, first, an inverse Fourier transform is applied to the datasets. On the resulting dataset, a Gaussian apodization, equivalent to a full width at half maximum of 0.1 km in the reciprocal dimension, is applied. The unit that you use for the FWHM attribute depends on the dimensionality of the dataset dimension. By choosing the unit as km, we imply that the corresponding dimension of the CSDM object undergoing the above series of operations has a dimensionality of length. Finally, a forward Fourier transform is applied to the apodized dataset.

Let’s create a CSDM object and then apply the above signal processing operations.

>>> import csdmpy as cp
>>> import numpy as np
>>> # Creating a test CSDM object.
>>> test_data = np.zeros(500)
>>> test_data[250] = 1
>>> csdm_object = cp.CSDM(
...     dependent_variables=[cp.as_dependent_variable(test_data)],
...     dimensions=[cp.LinearDimension(count=500, increment='1 m')]
... )


See csdmpy for a detailed description of generating CSDM objects. In mrsimulator, the simulation data is already stored as a CSDM object.

To apply the previously defined signal processing operations to the above CSDM object, use the apply_operations() method of the SignalProcessor instance as follows,

>>> processed_data = processor.apply_operations(data=csdm_object)

The data is the required argument of the apply_operations method, whose value is a CSDM object holding the dataset. The variable processed_data holds the output, that is, the processed data as a CSDM object. The plot of the original and the processed data is shown below.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3), subplot_kw={"projection":"csdm"}) 
>>> ax[0].plot(csdm_object, color="black", linewidth=1) 
>>> ax[0].set_title('Before') 
>>> ax[1].plot(processed_data.real, color="black", linewidth=1) 
>>> ax[1].set_title('After') 
>>> plt.tight_layout() 

(png, hires.png, pdf)


Figure 20 The figure depicts an application of Gaussian convolution on a CSDM object.

Multiple convolutions

As mentioned before, a CSDM object may hold multiple dependent variables. When using the list of the operations, you may selectively apply a given operation to a specific dependent-variable by specifying the index of the corresponding dependent-variable as an argument to the operation class. Consider the following list of operations.

>>> processor = sp.SignalProcessor(
...     operations=[
...         sp.IFFT(),
...         sp.apodization.Gaussian(FWHM='0.1 km', dv_index=0),
...         sp.apodization.Exponential(FWHM='50 m', dv_index=1),
...         sp.FFT(),
...     ]
... )

The above signal processing operations first applies an inverse Fourier transform, followed by a Gaussian apodization on the dependent variable at index 0, followed by an Exponential apodization on the dependent variable at index 1, and finally a forward Fourier transform. Note, the FFT and IFFT operations apply on all dependent-variables.

Let’s add another dependent variable to the previously created CSDM object.

>>> # Add a dependent variable to the test CSDM object.
>>> test_data = np.zeros(500)
>>> test_data[150] = 1
>>> csdm_object.add_dependent_variable(cp.as_dependent_variable(test_data))

As before, apply the operations with the apply_operations() method.

>>> processed_data = processor.apply_operations(data=csdm_object)

The plot of the dataset before and after signal processing is shown below.

>>> _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3), subplot_kw={"projection":"csdm"}) 
>>> ax[0].plot(csdm_object, linewidth=1) 
>>> ax[0].set_title('Before') 
>>> ax[1].plot(processed_data.real, linewidth=1) 
>>> ax[1].set_title('After') 
>>> plt.tight_layout() 

(png, hires.png, pdf)


Figure 21 Gaussian and Lorentzian convolution applied to two different dependent variables of the CSDM object.

Convolution along multiple dimensions

In the case of multi-dimensional datasets, besides the dependent-variable index, you may also specify a dimension index along which a particular operation will apply. For example, consider the following 2D datasets as a CSDM object,

>>> # Create a two-dimensional CSDM object.
>>> test_data = np.zeros(600).reshape(30, 20)
>>> test_data[15, 10] = 1
>>> dv = cp.as_dependent_variable(test_data)
>>> dim1 = cp.LinearDimension(count=20, increment='0.1 ms', coordinates_offset='-1 ms', label='t1')
>>> dim2 = cp.LinearDimension(count=30, increment='1 cm/s', label='s1')
>>> csdm_data = cp.CSDM(dependent_variables=[dv], dimensions=[dim1, dim2])

where csdm_data is a two-dimensional dataset. Now consider the following signal processing operations

>>> processor = sp.SignalProcessor(
...     operations=[
...         sp.IFFT(dim_index=(0, 1)),
...         sp.apodization.Gaussian(FWHM='0.5 ms', dim_index=0),
...         sp.apodization.Exponential(FWHM='10 cm/s', dim_index=1),
...         sp.FFT(dim_index=(0, 1)),
...     ]
... )
>>> processed_data = processor.apply_operations(data=csdm_data)

The above set of operations first performs an inverse FFT on the dataset along the dimension index 0 and 1. The second and third operations apply a Gaussian and Lorentzian apodization along dimensions 0 and 1, respectively. The last operation is a forward Fourier transform. The before and after plots of the datasets are shown below.

>>> _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3), subplot_kw={"projection":"csdm"}) 
>>> ax[0].imshow(csdm_data, aspect='auto') 
>>> ax[0].set_title('Before') 
>>> ax[1].imshow(processed_data.real, aspect='auto') 
>>> ax[1].set_title('After') 
>>> plt.tight_layout() 

(png, hires.png, pdf)


Serializing the operations list

You may also serialize the operations list using the json() method, as follows

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(processor.json())
{'operations': [{'dim_index': [0, 1], 'function': 'IFFT'},
                {'FWHM': '0.5 ms',
                 'dim_index': 0,
                 'function': 'apodization',
                 'type': 'Gaussian'},
                {'FWHM': '10.0 cm / s',
                 'dim_index': 1,
                 'function': 'apodization',
                 'type': 'Exponential'},
                {'dim_index': [0, 1], 'function': 'FFT'}]}

Srivastava, D. J., Vosegaard, T., Massiot, D., Grandinetti, P. J., Core Scientific Dataset Model: A lightweight and portable model and file format for multi-dimensional scientific data, PLOS ONE, 15, 1-38, (2020). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0225953

See also

Simulation Examples for application of signal processing on NMR simulations.