Spin System¶
At the heart of any MRSimulator calculation is the definition of a SpinSystem class describing the sites and couplings within a spin system. Each Simulator instance holds a list of SpinSystem instances which are used to calculate frequency contributions.
MRSimulator faces the same limitation faced by all other NMR simulation codes: the computational cost increases exponentially with the number of couplings between sites in a spin system. In liquids, where isotropic molecular motion averages away intermolecular anisotropic couplings, the situation is more tractable as only the intramolecular isotropic J couplings remain.
In solids, where no such isotropic motion exists, the situation is more problematic. In solids that are dilute in NMR-active nuclei is often possible to build a set of SpinSystem instances that can accurately model a spectrum. In solids that are not dilute in NMR-active nuclei, there are still situations where one can build approximately accurate spin systems models. One such case is when the individual anisotropic spin interactions, such as the shielding (shift) anisotropy or the quadrupolar couplings, dominate the spectrum, i.e., they are significantly larger than any dipolar couplings. This can happen for spin 1/2 nuclei in static samples or samples spinning away from the magic angle. In the case of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei, this can also happen for a central transition spectrum that is significantly broadened by second-order quadrupolar effects. Another case is when an experimental method can successfully decouple the effects of dipolar couplings from the spectrum, rendering it similar to that of a dilute spin system. This can be achieved through rapid sample rotation, a pulse sequence, or some clever combination of the two. In all such cases, any effects of residual dipolar couplings on the spectrum are usually modeled as an ad-hoc Gaussian lineshape convolution.
The SpinSystem class is organized according to the UML diagram below.
In UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams, each class is represented with a box that contains two compartments. The top compartment contains the name of the class, and the bottom compartment contains the class’s attributes. Default attribute values are shown as assignments. A composition is depicted as a binary association decorated with a filled black diamond. Inheritance is shown as a line with a hollow triangle as an arrowhead.
A Site instance holds single-site NMR interaction parameters, which include the nuclear shielding and quadrupolar interaction parameters. Consider the example below of a Site instance for a deuterium nucleus created in Python.
# Import classes for the Site
from mrsimulator import Site
from mrsimulator.spin_system.tensors import SymmetricTensor
# Create the site instance
H2_site = Site(
isotropic_chemical_shift=4.1, # in ppm
zeta=12.12, # in ppm
alpha=5.45, # in radians
beta=4.82, # in radians
gamma=0.5, # in radians
Cq=1.47e6, # in Hz
alpha=0.212, # in radians
beta=1.231, # in radians
gamma=3.1415, # in radians
The isotope
key holds the spin isotope, here given a value of "2H"
The isotropic_chemical_shift
is the isotropic chemical shift of the site isotope,
\(^2\text{H}\), here given as 4.1 ppm. We have additionally defined an optional
key, whose value is a second-rank traceless symmetric nuclear shielding
tensor represented by a SymmetricTensor instance.
We parameterize a SymmetricTensor using the Haeberlen convention with parameters zeta
and eta
defined as the shielding anisotropy and asymmetry, respectively. The Euler angle orientations, alpha
, and gamma
are the relative orientation of the nuclear shielding tensor from a common reference
Since deuterium is a quadrupolar nucleus, \(I>1/2\), there also can be a quadrupolar coupling
interaction between the nuclear quadrupole moment and the surrounding electric field gradient (EFG) tensor,
defined in the optional quadrupolar
key. An EFG tensor is a second-rank traceless
symmetric tensor, and we describe its coupling to a quadrupolar nucleus with Cq
and eta
, i.e., the quadrupolar coupling constant and asymmetry parameter,
respectively. Additionally, we use the Euler angle orientations, alpha
, beta
and gamma
, which is the relative orientation of the EFG tensor from a common
reference frame.
See Table 2 and Table 4 for further information on the Site and SymmetricTensor instances and their attributes, respectively.
Also, all instances in MRSimulator
have the attribute property_units
which provides the units for all class properties.
# {'isotropic_chemical_shift': 'ppm'}
# {'zeta': 'ppm', 'Cq': 'Hz', 'D': 'Hz', 'alpha': 'rad', 'beta': 'rad', 'gamma': 'rad'}
The coupling class holds two site NMR interaction parameters, which can include the J-coupling and the dipolar coupling interaction parameters. Consider the example below of a Coupling instance between two sites
# Import the Coupling instance
from mrsimulator import Coupling
coupling = Coupling(
site_index=[0, 1],
isotropic_j=15, # in Hz
zeta=12.12, # in Hz
alpha=2.45, # in radians
beta=1.75, # in radians
gamma=0.15, # in radians
D=1.7e3, # in Hz
alpha=0.12, # in radians
beta=0.231, # in radians
gamma=1.1415, # in radians
The site_index
key holds a list of two integers corresponding to the index of the
two coupled sites in the ordered list sites
within the SpinSystem instance. The
ordering of the integers in site_index
is irrelevant.
The value of the isotropic_j
is the isotropic J-coupling, here given as
15 Hz
. We have additionally defined an optional j_symmetric
whose value holds a SymmetricTensor instance representing the traceless 2nd-rank symmetric J-coupling
Additionally, the dipolar coupling interaction between the coupled nuclei is defined with an optional
key. A dipolar tensor is a second-rank traceless symmetric tensor, and we describe the dipolar
coupling constant with the parameter D
. The Euler angle orientations, alpha
, beta
, and gamma
are the relative orientation of the dipolar tensor from a common reference frame.
All frequency contributions from spin-spin couplings are calculated in the weak-coupling limit.
See Table 3 and Table 4 for further information on the Site and SymmetricTensor instances and their attributes, respectively.
The SpinSystem instance holds a collection of sites and couplings. Below are examples of different spin systems along with discussion on each attribute.
Single Site Spin System¶
Here we create a relatively unexciting single site proton spin system
# Import the SpinSystem instance
from mrsimulator import SpinSystem
H1_site = Site(isotope="1H")
single_site_sys = SpinSystem(
name="1H spin system",
description="A single site proton spin system",
abundance=80, # percentage
We find four keywords at the root level of our SpinSystem instance definition: name
, sites
, and abundance
. The value of the name
key is the
optional name of the spin system. Likewise, the value of the description key is an optional
string describing the spin system.
The value of the sites
key is a list of Site instances. Here, this list is simply
the single instance, H1_site.
The value of the abundance
key is the abundance of the spin system, here given
a value of 80%. If the abundance key is omitted, the abundance defaults to 100%.
See Table 1 for further description of the SpinSystem class and its attributes.
Multi Site Spin System¶
To create a spin system with more than one site, we simply add more site instances to the sites list. Here we create a \(^{13}\text{C}\) site and add it along with the previous proton site to a new spin system.
# Create the new Site instance
C13_site = Site(
isotropic_chemical_shift=-53.2, # in ppm
zeta=90.5, # in ppm
# Create a new SpinSystem instance with both Sites
multi_site_sys = SpinSystem(
name="Multi site spin system",
description="A spin system with multiple sites",
sites=[H1_site, C13_site],
abundance=0.148, # percentage
Again we see the optional name
and description
attributes. The sites
attribute is now
a list of two Site instances, the previous \(^1\text{H}\) site and the new
\(^{13}\text{C}\) site. We have also set the abundance
of this spin system to 0.148%.
By leveraging the abundance attribute, multiple spin systems with varying abundances can be
simulated together. See our Isotopomers Example where isotopomers of varying
abundance are simulated in tandem.
Coupled Spin System¶
To create couplings between sites, we must add a list of Coupling instances to a spin system. Below we create a \(^{2}\text{H}\) and \(^{13}\text{C}\) site as well as a coupling between them.
# Create site instances
H2_site = Site(
isotropic_chemical_shift=4.1, # in ppm
zeta=12.12, # in ppm
alpha=5.45, # in radians
beta=4.82, # in radians
gamma=0.5, # in radians
Cq=1.47e6, # in Hz
alpha=0.212, # in radians
beta=1.231, # in radians
gamma=3.1415, # in radians
C13_site = Site(
isotropic_chemical_shift=-53.2, # in ppm
zeta=90.5, # in ppm
# Create coupling instance
H2_C13_coupling = Coupling(
site_index=[0, 1],
isotropic_j=15, # in Hz
zeta=12.12, # in Hz
alpha=2.45, # in radians
beta=1.75, # in radians
gamma=0.15, # in radians
D=1.7e3, # in Hz
alpha=0.12, # in radians
beta=0.231, # in radians
gamma=1.1415, # in radians
We now have the site instances and the coupling instance to make a coupled spin system. We now construct such a spin system.
coupled_spin_system = SpinSystem(sites=[H2_site, C13_site], couplings=[H2_C13_coupling])
In contrast to the previous examples, we have omitted the optional name
, description
, and
keywords. The name and description for coupled_spin_system
will both be None
and the abundance will be 100%.
A list of Coupling instances passed to the couplings
keywords. The
attribute of H2_C13_coupling
correspond to the index of H2_site
in the sites list. If we add more sites, site_index
might need to be
updated to reflect the index H2_site` and C13_site
in the sites list. Again, our
Isotopomers Example has good usage cases for multiple couplings in a
spin system.
Attribute Summaries¶
Attributes |
Type |
Description |
String |
An optional attribute with a name for the spin system. Naming is a good practice as it improves the readability, especially when multiple spin systems are present. The default value is an empty string. |
String |
String |
An optional attribute describing the spin system. The default value is an empty string. |
List |
An optional list of Site instances. The default value is an empty list. |
List |
An optional list of coupling instances. The default value is an empty list. |
String |
An optional quantity representing the abundance of the spin system.
The abundance is given as a percentage, for example, |
Attribute name |
Type |
Description |
String |
All three are optional attributes giving context to a Site instance. The default value for all three is an empty string. |
String |
A required isotope string given as the atomic number followed by
the isotope symbol, for example, |
ScalarQuantity |
An optional physical quantity describing the isotropic chemical shift
of the site. The value is given in ppm, for example, |
An optional instance describing the second-rank traceless symmetric
nuclear shielding tensor following the Haeberlen convention. The default
is |
An optional instance describing the second-rank traceless electric
quadrupole tensor. The default is |
Attribute name |
Type |
Description |
List of two integers |
A required list with integers corresponding to the site index of the coupled sites, for example, [0, 1], [2, 1]. The order of the integers is irrelevant. |
ScalarQuantity |
An optional physical quantity describing the isotropic J-coupling in Hz.
The default value is |
An optional instance describing the second-rank traceless symmetric J-coupling
tensor following the Haeberlen convention. The default is |
An optional instance describing the second-rank traceless dipolar tensor. The
default is |
Attribute name |
Type |
Description |
ScalarQuantity |
A required quantity. Nuclear shielding: The shielding anisotropy, Electric quadrupole: The quadrupole coupling constant, J-coupling: The J-coupling anisotropy, Dipolar-coupling: The dipolar-coupling constant, |
Float |
A required asymmetry parameter calculated using the Haeberlen convention, for
example, |
ScalarQuantity |
An optional Euler angle, \(\alpha\). For example, |
ScalarQuantity |
An optional Euler angle, \(\beta\). For example, |
ScalarQuantity |
An optional Euler angle, \(\gamma\). For example, |