
class mrsimulator.simulator.ConfigSimulator(*, name: str = None, description: str = None, label: str = None, property_units: Dict = {}, number_of_sidebands: ConstrainedIntValue = 64, number_of_gamma_angles: ConstrainedIntValue = 1, integration_volume: Literal['octant', 'hemisphere', 'sphere'] = 'octant', integration_density: ConstrainedIntValue = 70, decompose_spectrum: Literal['none', 'spin_system'] = 'none', isotropic_interpolation: Literal['linear', 'gaussian'] = 'linear', custom_sampling: Optional[CustomSampling] = None)

Bases: Parseable

The configurable attributes for the Simulator class used in simulation.


Number of sidebands to evaluate in the simulation. The default value is 64. Value cannot be negative or zero.


int (optional).


Number of gamma angles averages in the simulation. The default value is 1. Value cannot be negative or zero.


int (optional).


The spatial volume over which the spectral frequency integration/averaging is performed. The valid literals of this enumeration are

  • octant (default),

  • hemisphere, and

  • sphere


enum (optional).


The integration/sampling density or equivalently the number of (alpha, beta) orientations over which the frequency spatial averaging is performed within the given volume. If \(n\) is the integration_density, then the total number of orientation is given as

(73)\[n_\text{octants} \frac{(n+1)(n+2)}{2} n_\gamma,\]

where \(n_\text{octants}\) is the number of octants in the given volume and \(n_\gamma\) is the number of gamma angles. The default value is 70.


int (optional).


The value specifies how a simulation result is decomposed into an array of spectra. The valid literals of this enumeration are

  • none (default): When the value is none, the resulting simulation is a single spectrum, which is an integration of the spectra over all spin systems.

  • spin_system: When the value is spin_system, the resulting simulation is an array of spectra, where each spectrum arises from a spin system within the Simulator object.


enum (optional).


Interpolation scheme for isotropic binning. The valid literals are

  • linear (default): linear interpolation.

  • gaussian: Gaussian interpolation with sigma=0.25*bin_width.


enum (optional).


>>> a = Simulator()
>>> a.config.number_of_sidebands = 128
>>> a.config.number_of_gamma_angles = 10
>>> a.config.integration_density = 96
>>> a.config.integration_volume = 'hemisphere'
>>> a.config.decompose_spectrum = 'spin_system'

Return the total number of orientations.


>>> a = Simulator()
>>> a.config.integration_density = 20
>>> a.config.integration_volume = 'hemisphere'
>>> a.config.get_orientations_count() # (4 * 21 * 22 / 2) = 924
json(exclude={}, units=True) dict

Parse the class object to a JSON compliant python dictionary object.

  • exclude – Set of keys that will be excluded from the result.

  • units – If true, the attribute value is a physical quantity expressed as a string with a number and a unit, else a float.

Returns: dict

classmethod parse_dict_with_units(json_dict: dict)

Parse the physical quantity from a dictionary representation of the class object, where the physical quantity is expressed as a string with a number and a unit.


json_dict (dict) – A required python dict object.

reduced_dict(exclude={}) dict

Returns a reduced dictionary representation of the class object by removing all key-value pair corresponding to keys listed in the exclude argument, and keys with value as None.


exclude – A list of keys to exclude from the dictionary.

Return: A dict.